Finance Montréal and the Conseil emploi métropole join forces to develop the next generation of talent and skills in responsible investment: a strategic sector for greater Montreal

Finance Montréal is pleased to announce the launch of a vast metropolitan action plan for the development of the workforce in responsible investment, with the financial support of the Conseil emploi métropole (CEM) and the Quebec government.

Led with representatives of industry and academia, this initiative intends to respond to various challenges related to the next generation of talent, skills development and financial entrepreneurship in this niche area.

“The financial services industry is undergoing a profound transformation and the risk management sector is not immune. With financial support from the CEM, this action plan will be set up to provide concrete support for this industry in this necessary transition, and thus specifically respond to the challenges related to the development of its workforce in the years to come. A workforce that will become essential, particularly here in greater Montreal, where responsible investment is firmly established," explains Jacques Deforges, Chief Executive Officer of Finance Montreal.

“It is essential to promote skills development, even more so in the current context of a pandemic. This is one of the important levers we have defined to accelerate Quebec's economic recovery. I salute the joint initiative of Finance Montreal and the CEM. It is now that we must act not only to meet the current challenges, but above all to support our companies towards the jobs of tomorrow”, underlines Mr. Jean Boulet, Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Solidarity and Minister responsible for the Mauricie region. 

For Ms. Audrey Murray, President of the Conseil emploi métropole and the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail, this partnership will make it possible to have a concrete impact on the labour market.
"In the current context of accelerated transformation of jobs, the Conseil emploi métropole has chosen to support this project, which recognizes the emergence of a green economy. The development of skills in responsible investment in the finance sector is an essential pillar for the prosperity of this strategic economic sector of the Montreal metropolitan region,” adds Ms. Audrey Murray, President of the Metropolitan Employment Council and of the Commission des Partenaires du Québec. labor market. 

With a budget of $ 300,000, this plan will be implemented by Finance Montréal with the collaboration of its members and partners. Over the next two years, the cluster's interventions will thus be structured around three main areas of focus: developing high-level expertise in responsible investment in jobs in the asset management sector, promoting jobs in responsible investment and assist emerging asset managers integrating responsible investment and ensure their growth.


About Finance Montreal

Created in 2010, Finance Montréal, Québec’s financial cluster, has a mission to make Montréal a world-class financial hub, and foster cooperation among its member institutions to accelerate the industry’s growth. The organization engages in international business development activities to attract foreign financial companies to Montréal by promoting various tax incentives including the IFC tax credit. It also administers the Montréal FinTech Station, a development centre for businesses in the financial technology sector. To learn more about Finance Montréal, visit  

About the Conseil Emploi Métropole

The Conseil Emploi Métropole is a place that brings together leaders from the Montreal metropolitan region. Through the force of consultation, it proposes action strategies and advises the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail and the Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Solidarity in order to resolve the challenges of the metropolitan labor market. To find out more about the Conseil Emploi Métropole, visit

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