Call For Applications Executive Committee Chaire Fintech AMF – Finance Montréal Corporate Representative

Created in 2019, the Chaire Fintech is a multidisciplinary and inter-university research unity that offers to develop advanced fundamental knowledge and practices on technological innovations challenges and impacts in the finance industry: fintechs. In order to fulfill its mission, the Chaire Fintech and its partners will launch call for research projects to the entire Quebec scientific community interested in fintechs.

The executive committee, which duty is to support and advise the holder with the chair’s management, is, among other things, responsible of approving the annual chair’s planification, budgetary forecasts and the annual activity report, as well as approving research projects proposed by the scientific committee and the related budget.

In order to complete the executive committee composition, the chair is looking for the corporate representative as the industry specialist. This member will be recommended by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers and Finance Montréal.

Profile of the executive committee member – corporate representative:

1. Expertise:

  • Extended knowledge and comprehension of the Fintechs ecosystem and related fields, either related to artificial intelligence, cyber security, blockchain, open banking, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, etc.;
  • Thorough knowledge of at least one of the following financial services: banking, insurance or investment management;
  • Knowledge of technological applicative areas, robotics (chatbots, robots-advisors, etc.).

2. Experience:

  • Management of innovative projects linked to technology;
  • Member of advisory committees, executive boards or work groups linked to the Fintech field or related;
  • Participation or contribution to monitoring projects of developments and impacts;
  • Excellent understanding of the challenges impacting the financial services and processes sector;
  • Significant experience in organisational transformation and technological challenges (digitalization, digitization, etc.);
  • Operational experience in company governance or in entrepreneurship to ensure the relevance and viability of research projects depending on the industry needs.

3. Personal attributes:

  • Availability and interest to serve in the committee as a volunteer;
  • Independence of spirit and mind;
  • Governance;
  • Network of contacts in the community and peer recognition;
  • Facilitator, moderator and capacity to inspire and federate ideas;
  • Good popularizer, ability to distill complex issues into simple terms;
  • Recognized in the field (conferences or research papers on targeted subjects, experience in leading ou launching enterprises);
  • Excellent judgement and analysis;
  • Strategic thinking and ability to articulate a vision.

The executive committee members commit to participate to the Chaire Fintech workshops approximately four (4) times a year as a volunteer. Belonging to a designated gender diversity group will be considered as an important asset.

Application procedure:

The executive committee will accept applications until July 31st 2020. Applicants are invited to forward their curriculum vitae and a cover letter to the following address (subject: “Chaire Fintech call for applications response – executive committee”). All applications will be transferred to the chair’s partners (AMF and Finance Montréal) for evaluation purposes. Only successful applications will be contacted.

The Chaire Fintech AMF – Finance Montréal and its executive committee would like to thank all applicants for their interest.

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